Rusty LaGrange
If you ask questions and receive an answer, you’re having a conversation with someone. If you use a microphone while you’re talking, then it becomes an interview. When you toss a bit of fear into the mix because someone is uncomfortable when a mic is shoved in their face, then you need my book.
A Microphone is Not the Muzzle of a Gun: The Art of Interviewing. A look into types of interviews and tips & tools to make your task easier. Selected chapters cover facing an interview as a book author, promoting your books using a microphone, using body language to “read” your subject’s inner angst, mic etiquette, and more.
“My years of writing features for newspapers, being an editor of my town’s weekly news, working for other news outlets, and writing magazine articles, honed my interviewing skills. Now I wish to share them with you.” ~~ Rusty LaGrange
This how-to interview book is available at for $17.95.
Go to Amazon pages for more chapter details. No purchase can be made here.